“The ‘Hour of Code™’ is a nationwide initiative by Computer Science Education Week and Code.org to introduce millions of students to one hour of computer science and computer programming.”
Since 2013, Code.org has hosted a week devoted to encouraging students to learn more about computer science and computer programming. This world-wide event has reached over 180 countries and continues to grow each year.
I have personally participated in the Hour of Code since 2017. It was amazing to watch my students, who hadn’t shown much interest in academics, thrive in the area of computer science and computer programming. Their enthusiasm was inspiring. It even inspired me to start an after school Coding Club.
Benefits of Teaching Computer Science and Computer Programming:
- Builds critical thinking/problem solving skills
- Provides opportunities for collaboration/teamwork
- Supports current curriculum
- Allows students to demonstrate creativity
- Supports communication skills
- Provides access to one of the fastest growing industries

Free Computer Science Curriculum:
My two favorite computer science curriculums to use are CS First (Google) and Code.org. They are easy to use, don’t require a lot of extra prep, and they’re free. Another site that I haven’t personally used, but have heard great things about is Girls Who Code.
In honor of the Hour of Code I created two mini lessons to help introduce elementary students to computer science. One lesson is best for TK-2nd grade students, while the other is best for 3rd-6th grade students.The videos I chose are from code.org and the games are all located at https://code.org/learn. I hope you find them useful and can use them with your students.
Whether you’re a tech genius or tech beginner, Hour of Code is a great way to get your students and children interested in computer science and programming. Are you looking to continue your students’ Computer Science education? Make sure to read about how to create a computer science club at your school.
Updated: December 3, 2022
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