Flipgrid is one of the first ed tech programs that I used to enhance student engagement within my classroom. The video feature allowed my 5th grade students to show their understanding in a different way. For many of them, it was also a lot more fun than traditional pencil and paper responses. The few who struggled quickly got over seeing themselves in a video and soon learned to love it too. Besides providing engagement opportunities, it was also easy for teachers and students to use.

There are so many ways you can use Flipgrid to engage your students. Here are just a few of those ways:
Tell Your Answer
Students explain how they came to their math answer using the appropriate math vocabulary terms. This is a great way for students to demonstrate math reasoning.
Summarize It/All About the Details
Students summarize literature or explain the main idea and important details of informational text. If students have less than 30 seconds to respond it will help them learn to only include the most important parts.
Start/Finish the Story
Students start or finish a story. This is a great way for students that struggle with writing to have a different way to express themselves.
How Do You Feel
Students respond to media (images, gifs, videos, etc.) and share their feelings. This is great for Social Emotional Learning time.
What’s the Outcome?
Students explain what they think the outcome of a science experiment will be. This can be followed up with a topic where students explain if their hypothesis was correct and the steps they completed with the experiment. They can also do a demonstration of the experiment.
X Marks the Spot
Students explain what they think the outcome of a science experiment will be. This can be followed up with a topic where students explain if their hypothesis was correct and the steps they completed with the experiment. They can also do a demonstration of the experiment.
Do you have any other ideas you’d like added to this post? Make sure to include them in the comments below.
If you’ve never used Flipgrid before or need a refresher on how to create topics, make sure to check out the videos below.
How to Create an Account
Setting up a Flipgrid account is free and easy. Check out this short video to learn how to create your account today.
How to Use a Discovery Topic
Discovery topics are created by other educators or Flipgrid partners. This is a great place to look for pre-created topics.
How to Create a New Topic
Topics for any subject can be easily created. Flipgrid includes many different features that can be included and permissions that can be turned on or off depending on the needs of your students.
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